Creating a diverse and supportive mentorship network can be the single most important tool to help you succeed in your academic endeavours.

  • The UQAS Mutual Mentorship Network provides a framework to allow anyone interested in anthropology to access a range of passionate people across different stages of their academic journey.
    Mutual mentorship is a concept to structure mentorship networks in a way that is as welcoming, inclusive, and egalitarian as possible. Instead of the traditional Mentor and Mentee roles, we have mentorship partners. These partnerships help to remove unequal power, time burdens, and obligation. This helps both parties to contribute within an equal relationship. We encourage members to build multiple mentor partnerships to provide a diverse range of support across different areas of expertise.

  • The mentorship network is made up of:
    - Current students
    - Graduates
    - Honours, Masters, and PhD students
    - Staff
    - Industry experts
    - Academics from a range of disciplines

  • You will initially be assinged to a mentorship partner. Read our starting guide and come along to the group mentorship meetings.

Meet the Network

  • Yi-Hung Chen

    - 3rd year BA/BSc (Ecology, Anthropology, Philosophy)
    - Writing, Argument/source analysis, Feedback, Understanding UQ, Theory.

  • Claire Ashman

    - 2nd year BA (Sociology/Religion/Anthropology)
    - Time management, Public speaking, Feedback

  • Gary Moody

    - 2nd year PhD (Anthropology)
    - Ethnography, Fieldwork, PhD Apps, Scholarship Apps, Theory. I am new to ethnography, but drawing on industry experience, happy to share what I've learnt so far.

  • Xanthe Swan

    - 4th year BA (Anthropology/International Relations) / LLB (Hons)
    - Writing, research, argument, source analysis, critical thinking

  • Dion Prineas

    - Honours Student (Anthropology)
    - Writing, Researching, Time management, Argument/source analysis, Public speaking, Honours apps, Enrollement and course planning, Feedback, Understanding UQ.

  • Andrew Ruffle

    - Undergraduate
    - Research skills, Time management skills, Understanding of enrollment and course planning

  • Ty Sheers

    - Honours Student (Anthropology)
    - Research, Honours apps, Time management, Public speaking, Argument/source analysis, critical thinking, Enrolment and course planning, Understanding UQ, Theory

  • Nabil Sabio Azadi

    - Final year BA (Anthropology & Art History)
    - Public speaking skills, Ethnographic and fieldwork skills, Academic Boundaries (i.e. Protecting IP/ Plagiarism Resistance.

  • Ivan Levant

    - Honours Student (Anthropology)
    - Writing, Researching, Time management, Argument/source analysis, Honours apps, Enrollment and course planning, Theory.